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Tales of an Old Bold Pilot Who Lived to Tell His Story of Flying North
by McCallum

Tales of an Old Bold Pilot Who Lived to Tell His Story of Flying North 
Front Cover
Back Cover

  Tales of an Old Bold Pilot Who Lived to Tell His Story of Flying North: Jack McCallum sits by the old wood stove in his comfortable cedar home bordering Eagle River at Sicamous, B.C. Canada. At 87, Jack contradicts Canadian aviation folklore. Bush pilots who opened the Canadian north have a saying “There are old pilots and there are bold pilots; but there are no old bold pilots.” Flying conditions are so rugged and austere that anyone too adventuresome or daring is almost certain to overstep the bounds of safety at some point, and pay dearly for have done so. Jack readily admits the validity of the earlier statement, despite his being an exception to the “rule.” As you read his story, you will witness several hair-raising encounters in which Jack survived only by some gracious higher hand. Even Flo, Jack's dear wife of 67 years, has personal experience surviving “recreational” flights in the three aircraft they flew in the North. These are stories similar to all bush pilots, stories of human ingenuity applied in very difficult conditions, to bring pilot, passenger and plane safely home.

Quantity:No item(s) available
Weight:0.26 kg
Price: CDN$ 21.95 (US$ 21.36)
Publisher:Hummingbird Press
Sicamous, B.C.
Publication Date:2004
Pages:183 pp
Size/Dimensions:8.25 x 5.25 x .5 inches
Signed:By Author

Quantity Out of stock

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